General Terms & Conditions

1. Scope

These general terms and conditions apply to the "Hardcore Gym" fitness centre and membership of the "Swiss Federation of Bodybuilding" (SFBB) association as well as services offered by the SFBB such as temporary gym access passes.

2. Membership/entrance pass

The membership as well as a temporary access pass to the Hardcore Gym is personal and not transferable. Both expire automatically after the paid term. The SFBB offer can only be used by persons over 18 years of age.

3. Offerings

SFBB offers different services and memberships. The SFBB membership also includes free use of the Hardcore Gym Aarau. The Hardcore Gym can be visited within the operating hours without time limit, for the access a badge or code is necessary. It is operated as a self-service gym, which means there is no active support on site.

4. Badge/Door code

Members will receive a badge to access the Hardcore Gym, for temporary access, an access code can be issued. The person in whose name the membership is made is liable for any damage or loss. A loss of the badge must be reported to SFBB immediately. A replacement badge costs 20 CHF.

5. Terms, company rules, regulations for use, instructions

The member undertakes to comply with the General Terms & Conditions, the operating regulations, which are an integral part of this agreement, and to follow the instructions of the operator.

6. Payment, payment by instalments

The membership fee is to be paid upon initial signing or extension of the contract. The subscription can be paid in instalments by arrangement with SFBB, but there is no entitlement to this. The first instalment is to be paid before the first visit.

7. Liability/video surveillance

The use of the facilities and equipment of the Hardcore Gym is at your own risk. SFBB or its staff is not liable for any damages resulting from an accident, injury or illness. The conclusion of an insurance policy is the responsibility of the member/user. If damage is caused by improper handling of the facilities and equipment, the member / user is liable to SFBB for the damage caused.
SFBB is not liable for the loss of valuables, money, clothes, securities etc. Also excluded is any liability for items deposited at the reception. The conclusion of an insurance policy is the responsibility of the member.

Training areas as well as the entrance area will be video monitored for security reasons. Video recordings will only be evaluated in case of theft or violations. The video recordings will be deleted after the legal deadlines in accordance with the Federal Law on Data Protection. Video recordings are reserved exclusively for staff and will not be shown to third parties.
8. Operating hours

The hardcore gym is operated as a self-service gym. The access times can be found on the homepage. The offer and operating hours can be changed at any time by SFBB.

There is no entitlement to a refund or to an extension of membership or access passes as a result of operationally necessary closures and/or changes in offers or operating hours.

9. Cease of operation

We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently close or partially close one or more facilities at any time. Cessation of operations does not give rise to any entitlement to reimbursement or to extension of membership or access passes.

10. Membership interruption/deposit (time stop)

Non-use of SFBB's facilities or courses does not entitle the member to a reduction or refund of any amounts paid.

If there is a valid reason, the membership can be interrupted for a period of at least 14 days (time stop), whereby there is no entitlement to this. The time stop must be submitted before the absence, together with a corresponding confirmation/certificate. A retroactive time stop is only possible in case of illness or accident. This must be applied for in the first month after the loss of the medically certified inability to train. Applications submitted at a later date can no longer be considered. A Time Stop is granted in the event of a professional stay abroad, holidays, illness, accident, pregnancy as well as military and civil service. On presentation of an appropriate document, the subscription will be extended by the time mentioned in the relevant document. Deposits are only possible with valid contracts. Deposits can no longer be taken into account after the expiry of a subscription. The possibility of a time stop only applies to memberships, temporary access passes are excluded from this.

11. Violations

Major or repeated violations of the General Terms & Conditions, the house rules or instructions of the staff may result in the issuing of a ban on the premises and/or the termination of membership or access authorisation without notice. In these cases there is no right to a refund of the amount paid. In the case of violations, in particular through misuse of access rights, we expressly reserve the right to file a criminal complaint.

12. Term of contract

The duration of the contract depends on the contract. The membership contract or an access pass expires automatically without notice. Withdrawal from the contract and corresponding refunds can only be granted in cases of hardship such as prolonged illness or accident, whereby no claim can be made. The request for reimbursement must be submitted in writing together with the necessary confirmations such as a medical certificate, etc. Thereafter, the residual value of the subscription will be refunded based on the amount actually paid, less a compensation for expenses of 30 CHF.

13. Amendments to the General Terms & Conditions and the Company Regulations >/strong>

The member/user expressly acknowledges that the general terms and conditions and the house rules are subject to change. It is the responsibility of the member to inform himself/herself about the currently valid conditions and the currently valid house rules. The member cannot derive any rights from a change of the AGB or the house rules.

14. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

All legal relationships arising from this contract are subject to Swiss law. The courts at the domicile of the association are responsible for the assessment of disputes arising from this contract. The rights from this agreement are not transferable.
Hardcore Gym
Tellistrasse 114
1. Stock
CH-5000 Aarau

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© Hardcore Gym, Swiss Federation of Bodybuilding